Litteratur i Golfen
Dansk PEN anbefaler:
Litteratur i Golfen
16. maj 17-19 i Poesiens Hus, Møllegade 7
This evening is about literature in two Arab Gulfstates: the Sultanate of Oman and Saudiarabia. Both countries have some very interesting contemporary female authors and we will focus upon how these authors re-read the culture, challenges and history in the area.
Gæsterforsker Jihan Mahmoud
Saudi Arabian women have being fighting to gain their rights of equality and independence. Lately, they could make a huge success in reforming repressive legal laws in Saudi Arabia including the guardianship system. This paper compares the concepts of resistance and female identity in Saudi Arabian novel by female authors. By comparing works by Rajaa Alem, Rajaa al-Sanea, Laila al-Juhani and other female writers, I trace how these authors engage with and represent different forms of female resistance to oppression, and marginalization relating personal gendered issues of patriarchy, gendered stereotypes and sexism in Saudi Arabia to global structures of hierarchy. I also trace the historical changes and gains female characters could realize in the selected works
Ulla Prien studielektor på Mellemøststudier på Københavns Universitet vil fortælle om udvalgte værker og temaer hos nutidige kvindelige forfattere i Sultanatet Oman. Forfatterne tager fat på spørgsmål som køn, race, udenlandsk arbejdskraft og det tidligere imperiums slavegørelse af dele af den sorte befolkning i Østafrika og Zanzibar. Disse elementer væves ind i historien om det moderne Oman og dets historiske rødder.